V8 Trike Tours have signed up to the Tourism Sustainability Commitment and the Carbon Challenge with a view to become carbon neutral by 2025
New Zealand Tourism - Sustainability Commitment
He Kupu Taurangi Kia Toitu Ai Te Tapoitanga
Sustainability is everyone's business, and we striving to do our share to reduce and ultimately eliminate our carbon footprint in line with the New Zealand Tourism Sustainability Commitment.
Our roadmap to getting there includes:
Monthly donations to planting trees via the Summerhill Charitable Trust.
Tourism site visits Bay of Plenty Tourism to local Iwi and historical sites promoting sustainable tourism and environmental practices and policies to our customers.
Maintenance and regular 6 weekly servicing of all vehicles to eliminate excess wear, tear and consumption.
Waste oil disposed of in environmentally safe method via Supercheap Auto
Tyres – we have signed up with Tyrewise who are aiming to turn tyre waste into resource, protecting our environment and creating opportunities to be part of Aotearoa’s circular economy.
Our Fantastic Team
We have identified areas in which we actively contribute towards a sustainable environment & culture some of which are listed below:
The company provision of reusable water bottles for all staff.
Supply and availability of eco-friendly sunscreens to our staff and customers.
We are all great advocates for reducing waste, recycling and composting including adopting paperless systems and reducing consumables.
We love taking part in community events like beach clean-ups and Enviro Coastal Planting.
We work together collaboratively within this business of tourism with other like-minded businesses and organisations so as to protect our future.
We encourage staff to car share or use public transport wherever possible.
You can help too….
We can all play our part to minimise our environmental impact, here are some things you can do while travelling with us or at home;
Use a reusable water bottle and fill it regularly….NZ’s tap water is universally safe to drink.
Recycle our travel brochures or even better, give them to a friend who may like to take a ride with us 🤪
Use public transport wherever possible.
Use water sparingly, take a short shower instead of a bath and dry and re-use your towel.
Enjoy local produce, without the plastic wrapping.
Recycle wherever possible using the TCC bins provided.
Put your rubbish in the bin and keep NZ clean.
Switch air conditioning and lights off when you leave your room.